This piece was inspired by the prompt “anyone you’ve ever loved was a stranger at some point”, provided by Zach Madison, of Chicago, IL.
Anyone you’ve ever loved was a stranger at some point. It’s true, but it can be hard to remember. There was a time when you didn’t know your spouse, your partner, or friend. Mind-blowing, right? The two of you lead your separate, parallel lives, unaware the the other person existed, oblivious to the fact that this perfect stranger would have such an impact on you later. This period probably even lasted a long time. And when you did meet them, did you know how important they would be right away? Probably not. It probably took at least a little while for you to recognize each other’s special glow.
What’s even more mind-blowing, is that in all likelihood, your life is currently running parallel to some other stranger, who will be a loved one down the line, and neither of you know it yet. This idea is comforting and exciting — especially if you are someone who feels that loved ones are currently missing from their life. It means they’re coming.
Is it the universe that draws people together? Or, does our need for connection make us automatically bond with the best candidates we randomly encounter? I think it’s a little of column A and a little of column B. I think the universe brings the right people — the people we need to meet to learn, to grow, and to love — into our spheres at the right times, but it’s on us to recognize those people for what they are: Angels.
What if we don’t recognize these Angels when we see them? I don’t know for sure, but I believe they will circle back, or that new ones will crop up later. Even the most introverted among us still seek that connection with others. If we open ourselves to the possibility, and pay attention, that’s when the Angels appear.